This has been a very French week for me,From quoting French authors to shopping in a local Francophiles dream boutique (love Vieuxtemps on lower King St) I suppose this can be seen as fitting since we were coming up on Valentines Day.Oui Oui....Although this is not entirely a new thing for me,having a French week ,but I digress.Another French story,another time.Perhaps after a couple of French 75’s ;)
This week the store hosted our Wine Down Wednesday and I read an exerpt from Catherine Malandrinos book Une Femme Francaise,The Seductive Style of French Women.The subject was New York vs.Paris Romance (this book is a delightfully enjoyable read that I recommend) but it was after I returned home from the Wine Down and sat quietly reflecting on the evening and the words of Mdm.Malandrino that I saw the many similarities of the Parisian views on Romance and how we handle romance in Charleston.We can,I suppose, go down to Logan St. and thank the Huguenots for their influence.
Let’s take a look at Mdm.Malandrinos excerpt
In New York:people date
In Paris:people flirt
Well,in Charleston we “court” this definitely involves some flirting
Lets try the second one
In New York:Couples Strive for Openness
In Paris:Couples have their secrets
In Charleston:Couples have their secrets,heck, entire families have their secrets
You get where this is going but let’s do one more
In New York:Women need to know where they stand in a relationship
In Paris:Women are captivated by ambiguity
In Charleston:Women know EXACTLY where they stand they just may CHOOSE to be ambiguous about where that is. ;)
The French,rather it the restaurants,the people,my friends,authors,the perfume,the designers,the wine,the accent,the cheese,the bread from baguettes to brioche....I love them all!
Let’s love in French,Eat Italian,Behave Southern....Here’s to living a Charmed Life! Xoxo
You can check out Vieuxtemps on King St in downtown Charleston You can follow Catherine Malandrino at #catherinemalandrinopersonal on Instagram to learn more about her or get her book.
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